
and the trail

Kneippanlage Muggendorf -> sehr empfehlenswert!

The circuit Wiesenttal Gebirgstrail is a project from Robert Stein >>

~ in cooperation with the community >> Wiesenttal ~

and the local groups of Wiesenttal of the association  Fränkischer Schweiz Verein

>> impressum ~ legal info.

The use of these informations and the tour itself is under all circumstancies on everyone ´s one risk!

Your questions ~ comments?

Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

Tour data / GPS~track

We are pleased to forward you a GPS-track of the Wiesenttal Gebirgstrail -> it´s sufficient to give us a short notice in the contact form above - and send it ("ABSENDEN") with your correct email :)

>> Tour-Daten ~ data of the tour


We are happy to get your comment, having completed and enjoyed the tour <-> if not, we will be satisfied with your remarks, wrapped in some kind words :)

>> Feedback ~ comment


Regrettably we are unable to translate the whole website -> in english we can offer you the first page, the contact and feedback page (hopefully comprehensibly :)

The data, numbers, pictures and illustrations do not require translation - and the rest you better enjoy live and personally at the >> "Muggendorfer Gebürg" in our idyllic >> Franconian Switzerland.

We are looking forward to you!